Affiliated to DeSales University, Allentown, USA

Catechetical course

Lumen Christi Institute offers Catechetical course for catechists and laity for effective evangelization in the rural areas of East Africa. The target group of this course is Catechists or laity who have not undergone any Catechetical training but are engaged in ministry in the parishes or sub-stations as Catechists.
Its objectives are:

  • To impart sound knowledge in Christian doctrine, Scared Scriptures and Spirituality.
  • To train Catechists/laity for effective evangelization and leadership in the parishes, sub-stations and small Christian Communities (SCC).
  • To help the parishes to deepen faith of laity.

Duration of the programme

The Catechetical training programme is of one month duration for three consecutive years. The course also can be completed in one year by attending all three courses continually. The new intake begins in September.


 Admission is given only at the recommendation of the Parish Priest.

  • Completion of Class Seven.
  • Fair level of emotional maturity.
  • Capacity to work well individually and in groups.
  • As a rule candidates should be in the age group of 20 – 50.


Please download from our website:


Barua ya Maelekezo

Also available from the Director per mail or post.
The last date of submitting duly filled form is the 15th of August.
Subsidized fee per person: TShillings 100,000 (Includes boarding, lodging, course fees, study materials etc.)


First Year

I. Introduction to Bible.
•    OT: Pentateuch and Major Prophets
•    NT: Synoptic Gospels
II. Catholic Doctrine
•    Revelation and Faith
•    The Trinitarian Faith
•    Catechism of the Catholic Church (Credo and Commandments)
III. Sacraments
•    Sacraments in General
•    Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion and Marriage
IV. Liturgy
•    Introduction to Liturgy
•    The Holy Eucharist
V. Pastoral Theology
•    Leadership course/ the role of laity in the Church
•    Small Christian Communities
VI. Church History
•    Early Christian Community – 4th. Century
VII. Christian Spirituality
VIII. Documentation and Book Keeping
IX. Spoken English
X. Music

Second Year

I. Introduction to Bible.
•    Bible and its Interpretation
•    OT: Historical Books, Psalms
•    NT: The Gospel of St. John and St. Paul’s letters
II. Catholic Doctrine
•    Christology
•    Mariology
•    Catechism of the Catholic Church
III. Sacraments
•    7 Sacraments and their pastoral implications
•    Marriage and Canon Law
IV. Liturgy
•    Liturgy and Pastoral Implications
•    The Holy Eucharist
V. Pastoral Theology
•    Leadership course (continued)
•    The role of the Catechist in the Church
VI. Church History
•    The Church in the Medieval Ages
VII. Moral Theology
•    An Introduction to Moral Theology
VIII. Christian Spirituality (continued)
IX. Spoken English
X. Music

Third Year

I. Introduction to Bible.
•    OT: Minor Prophets and Wisdom Literature
•    NT: Acts of the Apostles and Letters of Peter, John, Jude and Revelation
II. Catholic Doctrine
•    Pneumatology
•    Catechism of the Catholic Church
III. Sacraments
•    Sacraments and Sacramentals
•    Marriage and Canon Law
IV. Liturgy
•    Sacrosanctum Concilium
•    The Divine Office and Misale ya Waumini
V. Pastoral Theology
•    Leadership course (continued)
VI. Church History
•    Modern Church History
•    Vatican II and its major documents
VII. Christian Spirituality (continued)
VIII. Ecumenism
IX. Islam and interreligious dialogue
X. Homiletics
XI. Music
XII. Spoken English


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